


Una rivoluzione dell’abbigliamento: il trionfo della TuTa

Milano Design Film Festival 2015

Promoting a dress also means to transmit ideals: modernity speed linearity accessibility. The film portrays the versatile Florentine artist Ernesto Michahelles, aka Thayaht, while drawing the universal dress, the overall (TuTa), icon of the standardization of the people under the regime. United we win, and then tuttintuta! To welcome the birth of the TuTa, the people of Florence expects Thayaht to guide them through the city, staging a kind of second renaissance, which celebrates no more the individual, but the value of the community, of the mass. The film, a valuable historical document – included in the MDFF 2015 program thanks to Vionnet – restored in the fifties and preserved in the Thayaht & RAM Archive, addresses diverse topics; one for all, that of ‘democratic’ design, reproducible and accessible. The name of the director is unknown, but the film shows the intention of Thayaht and brother RAM to promote the TuTa and the values ??it represents. The movie is part of a promotion project designed by the artists themselves and carried out in collaboration with the newspaper ‘La Nazione’ in 1920. The film closes with the arrival of the procession at Piazzale Michelangelo, where RAM is waiting, of course dressed in overall: a reunion that emphasizes how the creators, from beginning to end, are the extremes of the idea of universality.

(Marta Franceschini)

MDFF – Milano Design Film festival
Anteo SpazioCinema
Via Milazzo 9 – 20121 Milano

October 15 – 18, 2015

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